
Murder in the Mystery Suite by Ellery Adams

This new series start with Jane Steward, the manager of Storyton Hall, trying to devise a way to increase bookings at their book resort so that she can make some much needed repairs.  Her idea is to sponsor a Murder and Mayhem week and the response is great.

As their guests start to arrive (in costume as literary detectives), everyone is prepared for a scavenger hunt which every one anxious to win because the prize is a first edition about a well-known mystery author and her history.

After the hunt and the presentation of the prize, Jane is distracted when her aunt falls ill, very upset because the wrong book was awarded.  When Jane attempts to exchange the book, she finds the winner dead.  Notifying the police of the death and the mix-up, the book remains missing and when Aunt Octavia passes the mantle of Guardian of Storyton Hall, revelations of a hidden world aid in he apprehension of the murderer and accomplices.

Great new series, my only wish is that Storyton Hall was a real place!


GENRE: Cozy Mystery
CHARACTERS: Jane Steward, Mr. Sterling, Sinclair, Desmond Price, Lizzie Ingle
Series/ Progress: Book Retreat mystery 1/2
DATE READ: August 19 - August 23
Challenges: 75, Category, TIOLI , AlphaKit
SOURCE: giveaway prize

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