
Travelling with Pomegranates by Sue Monk Kidd, Ann Kidd Taylor

Genre: Memoir
Subject: Mother/Daughter relationships
Setting: Greece, France, SC USA
Main Characters: Sue Monk Kidd, Ann Kidd Taylor
Series: no
Dates Read: July 16 - July 21
Number of pages: 419
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: no, public Library
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: Foreign Languages

Sue Monk Kidd is a writer (Secret Loves of Bees) but she is also a woman and mother. This book, co-authored with her daughter Ann Kidd Taylor, is about their lives and their relationship with and to each other.

The story is very spiritual in that Sue sees herself and Anne as a modern Demeter and Persephone. Sue, with health issues, projects her own fears of growing old, while Ann, shows a lack of self-confidence to go forward with her life and relationships. But as they travel and see the ancient world and hear its tales, they see that their fears and uncertainties need not stop them from doing what they want to do.

The progression from Greece and the Demeter/Persephone comparison (pomegranate charms that they wore) move on in another year to Paris where they are engrossed in the Jeanne d'Arc and then a return to Greece after Ann's marriage and their connection with Black Madonnas is filled with introspection and self-analysis.

This isn't the type of book that I normally read, but I found it interesting that a mother and Daughter would be this close. The descriptions of their travels were also enjoyable.

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