
The Wife Trap by Tracy Anne Warren

Genre: Romance
Subject: deception, snobbery, independence
Setting: Ireland
Main Characters: Jeannette Brantford, Darragh O'Brien
Series: yes, #2
Dates Read: July 24 - July 28
Number of pages: 392
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: yes, my shelves
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: English Lit

Lady Jeannette Brantford is in disgrace because of the deception that she persuaded her twin sister into participating in. Her sister, Violet, is now the Duchess of Raebern, the position that Jeannette was supposed to have had, but she didn't want to marry the Duke. Now she's been banished to Ireland to live with rustic cousins.

Jeannette, before even reaching her destination, meets Darragh O'Brien, a devilishly handsome man who thinks she's spoiled and self-centered. The interaction between these two characters and their antics is entertaining and thoroughly amusing.

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