
Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel


Genre: Historical Fiction
Subject: Thomas Cromwell
Setting: England
Main Characters: Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour
Series: no
Dates Read: June 10 - June 23
Number of pages: 640
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: yes, audio stockpile
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: Extra curricular activites

Wolf Hall is one of those books that shows that not everyone will feel the same about any one book. The majority of readers appear to gush over this book, extolling the writing and the narrative manner, but I found it tedious, constantly trying to follow the story as it was told even though I knew the story quite well.

My English teacher from high school would have been horrified at the poor sentence structure and unidentified pronouns throughout. It was an interesting concept using Thomas Cromwell as the central character, but for me, the book fell flat.

1 comment:

Sunny Frazier said...

I know, I know--does the author understand pronouns?

However, it is a good portrait of Thomas Cromwell, someone overlooked and vilified in the Tudor chronicles. I had even more trouble with the follow-up, BRING UP THE DEAD. Yes, worth struggling through.