
All Mortal Flesh by Julia Spencer-Fleming


Genre: Mystery
Subject: marriage separation, personal communications
Setting: MillersKill, NY
Main Characters: Russ VanAlstyne, Clare Ferguson
Series: yes, #5
Dates Read: May 30 - May 31
Number of pages: 322
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: yes, audio stockpile
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: Speech Class

Linda van Alstyne is dead. She is founded dead in her kitchen, stabbed and mutilated. Who is the prime suspect - none other than Chief of Police Russ van Alstyne and so the state police are "called in" to head the investigation. Russ continues to try to find the murderer and runs into trouble.

Throughout this book I was torn as to who I really wanted to be the murderer. We know in our hearts that it can't be Clare or Russ, but then who? Russ seemed so terribly broken-hearted even though he professes that he loves Clare. So where is it going, how can there be a satisfactory solution?
As the story begins to head to resolution - the clues start mounting up and it is easy to foresee the outcome. But the ending - oh, no I didn't see that one coming!

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