
The Warlock by Michael Scott

Genre: Fantasy
Subject: monsters, evil, magic
Setting: San Francisco, Shadow Realms
Main Characters: Josh and Sophie Newman, Nicholas and Perenel Flamel, Dr. Dee
Series: yes, #5 immortal Nicholas Flamel
Dates Read: April 28 - April 29
Number of pages: 385
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: yes, audio stockpile
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: Math class

The 5th book of the Flamel series shows the true danger that threatens Josh and Sophie as well as the humani world. All the mythological creatures of yesteryear have been imprisoned on the Island of Alcatraz and Dr Dee with Virginia Dare are gaining help from Josh to loose them on the city. When it is revealed the reason why Josh is acting the way he is, the immortals are drawn to trying to warn him but are unsuccessful, they must defend the city and the humani instead.

As Nicholas and Perenel's auras start to die as they age, the reader wonders if they will survive long enough to complete their destinies and help the twins to save the world?

Many twists and turns await the reader as the characters themselves change and evolve.

I was so caught up in the story that I had to start the next one immediately after finishing the 4th installment. A tremendously fun series!

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