
The Necromancer by Michael Scott

Challenge Book #45
Genre: Fantasy
Subject: monsters, evil, magic
Setting: San Francisco, Shadow Realms
Main Characters: Josh and Sophie Newman, Nicholas and Perenel Flamel, Dr. Dee
Series: yes, #4 immortal Nicholas Flamel
Dates Read: April 19 - April 28
Number of pages: 403
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: yes, audio stockpile
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: Speech class

This 4th book of the Flamel series picks up immediately after book 3 with the twins arrival in San Francisco and the official introduction of Aunt Agnes.

Sophie and Josh are at odds as to who they should support Dr. Dee or the Flamels. We are also introduced to a few new immortals - Aoife (Scathatch's twin sister), Billy the Kid, Prometheus, Virginia Dare, and Niten.

The immortals are having their own problems - Scatty and Joan are trapped in a pre-historic shadow Realm, Saint Germaine, Palamades, and Shakespeare are running from the Dark Elders while trying to free Joan and Scatty, and Dee and Machiavelli are in deep trouble with the bosses because they haven't gotten the twins. So since all immortals are looking after themselves, who is there to keep Josh and Sophie safe?

This book supplies a great deal of background for the mythological creatures/immortals and their masters, the Elders. The tension builds as the life in the Flamels begins to drain to desperate levels and the twins are put at odds

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