
1864 : Lincoln at the gates of history by Charles B. Flood

Read: January 8 - January 20
Format: Audio - Overdrive 20 hrs. equivalent 521 pages
Source: Public Library
Subject: Civil War, Lincoln Re-election
Category: The Engagement: this is getting serious
Genre: History
Challenges: 11 in 11, 75 Book, TIOLI, SYLL, AUDIO
Stars: 3

This book concentrated on the pivotal year of history of 1864 during the Lincoln Administration telling about the political problems that impacted the President while he was working toward re-election.

The political environment in 1864 was extremely complicated because of the splits in the parties - Conservative Republicans who supported Lincoln, Radical Republicans that questioned his handling of the South, Peace Democrats who advocated compromise, and War Democrats who wanted to fight and didn't care about the slaves.

The historical events of the year - battles including the Wilderness Campaign, Lincoln's handling of Military leadership problems, the death of Chief Justice Taney, and issues with his own wife clashed with his efforts toward re-election. Lincoln felt that there was a good chance that he would not be returning to the Presidency and seems to be surprised when it does happen.

Interesting information with a detailed look for a specific year in the timeframe of the war.


Ann Summerville said...

Thanks for the review. I'm going to start reading books on the presidents this year.

Anna and Serena said...

We've added your review link to the book reviews page and will have an excerpt on the main page in March. Thanks for participating