
Nabbing Nook Books

I've decided to start a new Meme in honor of my brand new Nook e-reader. It will show what books I added to my ebook library. I hope that other users of e-readers will join me.
This week I spent a lot of time browsing through the list of books that were available in e-book format - I don't think that I managed to get even a quarter of the way through the list but I did manage to buy my first book and then I found 4 books that were FREE!
The titles that I found free at the Barnes&Noble website were:
His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik -I've read this book and absolutely loved it so I had to grab this one!
The Unsuspecting Mage by Brian Pratt I'm getting into some fantasy books and this sounded interesting.
His Lady Mistress by Elizabeth Rolls A romance novel I thought I'd try.
Colter's Wife by Maya Banks Another romance
Well, even if they're not great, the price was right!
My one purchase was Eggsecutive Orders by Julie Hyzy. This is the third installment of the White House Chef series and I already finished it! It was truly enjoyable being able to read a book and not have to wear my glasses because the Nook lets me increase the font size.
I'm definitely looking for more! Stay tuned. And if you find any great books in ebook format, be sure to let me know!

1 comment:

Tina said...

OOOOOOO....the 'not having to wear my glasses' may have just tipped me over the edge. I never thought of that. will have to go to a B&N and see if the font is really big enough for lens-less reading. If so.....