
Knit one, Kill Two by Maggie Sefton

Read: June 1 - June 7
Format: Paperback 273 pages
Source: Public Library
Setting: Fort Connor CO
Category: Crafts, Cooking, and Hobbies
Challenges: 101020, 75 Book, SYLL
Stars: 3½

For me, this was a pleasant little cozy mystery that I could carry around in my purse and pick up whenever I had a few minutes to read. It wasn't rocket science, but it was interesting and entertaining in the manner of most cozy mysteries.

Kelly Flynn is called back to Fort Connor, CO to settle the estate of her Aunt Helen who was murdered in what the police say was a robbery gone bad, but too many little things don't add up to that scenario for Kelly and she convinces her aunt's friends to help her resolve those discrepancies. IMHO, the clues were well-spread out and the characters were interesting. I hope to see in future installments further character development for all the different personalities - some you wanted to laugh with, others you wanted to hug.

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