
The Power of Half by Kevin Salwen

Read: Apr 29 - May 1
Format: Hardback 244 pages
Source: FSB Media for review
Subject: Charity, Ghana, donations
Setting: Atlanta, GA USA
Category: Books found - Internet/thru LT/library/bookstore
Genre: Non-Fiction
Challenges: 101020, 75 Book,
Stars: 3½

I used to think that I was a generous person until I read this book. I mean, after all, I gave to different charities, helped those in need, volunteered a little, and I even gave a home to a homeless person we knew. But when I read this book, I felt that I was falling short and wasn't sure that I had it in me to be as generous as this family.

This is the true life story of the Salwen family from Atlanta GA who sold their $2Million house so that they could take the proceeds and donate half to a charity which helped fight hunger in Africa. They donated $800,000 to this effort because their 14 year old daughter felt that they weren't doing enough to assist those that were less fortunate. I truly admire this family because I don't think that I or my husband would be willing to make this kind of sacrifice.

This book raised a lot of questions throughout especially from the journal of the young daughter, but the one that I don't know how to answer is…. How many lives would you be willing to save in exchange for the person that you love the most? I can't answer that, can you?

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