
The Agency: A Spy in the House by Y.S. Lee

Read: Apr 4, - Apr 7
Format: Paperback, 335 pages
Source: Candlewick Press, ARC
Subject: Adventure, female undercover spy, piracy, insurance fraud
Setting: London, England, UK
Category: Books found - Internet/thru LT/library/bookstore
Genre: Thriller
Challenges: 101020, 75 Book, Thriller
Stars: 4

A Spy in the House is the first book in a Victorian series whose main character, Mary Quinn, is rescued from hanging at age 12 and whisked away to a girls school were she is educated and then offered the opportunity to be an undercover spy. Her first assignment places her as a companion for a wealthy young woman whose father is suspected of smuggling. No one believes that the dowdy companion is listening for information that could break the case. When listening doesn't get Mary what she needs, she takes more energetic steps to solve the case.

All the characters in this book have secrets from someone and it is entertaining to see how they all work to prevent their confidences from being discovered. Ms. Lee also cleverly weaves a light-hearted romance within the story while allowing Mary show that she is intelligent, witty, and independent.

What a delightful story, I will be looking for the continuations in the future.

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