
A ROYAL PAIN by Rhys Bowen

Read: Sept 12 -13
Category: Follower
Pages: 462

Georgie, Lady Victoria Georgiana Charlotte Eugenie, returns in the second installment of this series still needing to work as a specialty domestic because of her lack of funds. The Queen, not knowing her dire circumstances, asks her to play hostess to the Princess of Bavaria that she wants to catch the eye of the Prince of Wales and get him out of the clutches of Mrs. Simpson.

Georgie has to have "staff" at Rannoch House so she enlists her Grandfather and his next door neighbor to play butler and cook. The princess arrives with her maid, Irmagardt, and chaperone, Baroness Rottenmeister and proceeds to wreak havoc wherever she goes being on site of three apparently unconnected deaths.

Georgie eventually discovers that there is a plot in the works by Communists but figuring out the details gets her into a few scrapes and threatening situations.
This book was just as enjoyable and entertaining as the first and I'll be sure to stop at the library for the next installment.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Sounds like my kind of book. I believe I have the first one in another series by this author that I'm looking forward to reading.