
Sunday Salon May 31st

I probably won't get much reading done today since a relation of a family member passed away and I'm going to pay my respects to the family this afternoon, but I did get a bit of reading done this morning on JAMES MONROE: THE QUEST FOR NATIONAL IDENTITY. I have been reading biographies and related materials of the past presidents and I am currently up to Monroe. So far the process has been very enlightening. This book however, is rather lengthy and will take some time.

Last night, before I went to bed, I finished reading THE QUILTER'S APPRENTICE by Jennifer Chiaverini. It really made me stop to think about how so many times in our lives we let our pride or hurt feelings cut us off from friends and family when really we are only hurting ourselves by the loss of that contact. I wonder if others have read books that cause them to stop and think about some of their own behavior?

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