
Murder at the Book Group by Maggie King

Belonging to 3 book groups I couldn't resist this one.   Hazel belongs to a Book Group that also has members that include several of her friends as well as Carlene, the current wife of her first husband.  A bit creepy but it gets worse when Hazel finds Carlene dying of cyanide poisoning.

As suspect along with the other group members, Hazel works to determine who killed Carlene.

Fun book, glad it's not my Book Group.


GENRE: Cozy mystery
SUBJECT: jealousy, obsessions
Setting: Richmond, VA
CHARACTERS: Hazel Rose, Lucy Hooper, Carlene Arness, Evan Arness, Helen Adams, Vince Castrelli
DATE READ: December 17 - December 25
Challenges: 75, Category, TIOLI, 
SOURCE: NetGalley

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