
Reckless Bride by Stephanie Laurens

Genre: Romance
Subject: Love, Marriage, espionage
Setting: Germany, Italy, England
Main Characters: Rafe Carstairs, Loretta Michelmarch, Hassan, Esme Lady Congreve
Series: #4 Black Cobra Quartet
Dates Read: October 2 - October 4
Number of pages: 464
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?:  yes, my shelves
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: English Lit

The final book of the Black Cobra Quartet finds Rafe Carstairs traveling from India to England carrying the original document of damaging evidence which will identify the Black Cobra.  Rafe has decided to take the river route through Austria and Germany but finds that he has inadvertently endangered Loretta and her great-Aunt Esme and so is forced to include them in the plans to get to England.  Pretending that he and his man, Hassan, are guide and bodyguard they proceed over the Danube and Rhine rivers. During their travels love and danger envelope them.

It was fun to finally see that the Black Cobra would be apprehended and who it turned out to be.  The reunion of the other characters from the first three installments was the perfect ending.

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