
Princess Elizabeth's Spy by Susan Elia MacNeal


Genre: Mystery
Subject: espionage, decoding
Setting: Germany, England
Main Characters: Maggie Hope, Princess Elizabeth, Churchill, Mark Fraine, Hugh Thompson
Series: #2 Maggie Hope Mysteries
Dates Read: October 14 - October 16
Number of pages: 345
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?:  yes, ER my shelves
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: English Lit

Maggie Hope, transferred from #10 Downing St and the position of Mr. Churchill's Secretary (book #1) to MI-5 and training for undercover missions, finds her shortcomings are not acceptable and flunks out of the "spy" school not because of her brain but that she has no brawn.  She is given the domestic assignment of protecting Princess Elizabeth from a  possible kidnapping plot.  She shows up at Windsor Castle as the new Maths tutor and after a few minor issues develops a rapport with the future queen and her younger sister.

As a "servant" she is privy to numerous issues that lead to danger and intrigue as well revelations that she may have preferred not to know.  The writing is crisp and exciting and draws the reader further and further into the plot, until you are afraid to read more and yet you can't stop.  A great sequel to the introductory book, only making the reader want MORE!

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