
The Winter Palace by Eva Stachniak


Genre:Historical Fiction
Subject: early life of Catherine the Great, royal children
Setting: Russia
Main Characters: Varvara, Egor, Darya, Princess Sophie (Catherine), Grand Duke Peter, Crown Prince Paul, Empress Elizabeth
Series: no
Dates Read: August 1 - August 13
Number of pages: 436
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: yes, received from publisher for review
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: Foreign Languages

I knew basically nothing about Catherine the Great when I started this book, and I feel that I am still in that same spot after finishing it. This fictional account was from the viewpoint of a trusted servant (more of the book seemed to be about her than Catherine) telling of Sophie's arrival (her name was changed to Catherine) at the Russian court until her assumption of the throne. It meandered, never really settling into a colorful narrative. I definitely wouldn't recommend it.

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