
An Irish Country Doctor by

Author: Patrick Taylor
Genre: Fiction
Subject: Small Irish village and new doctor
Setting: Ballybucklebo
Main Characters: Barry Laverty, Fingal Flahertie O'Reilly, Kinky Kincaid
Series: no
Dates Read: July 2 - July 9
Number of pages: 448
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: yes, audio stockpile
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: Geography Class
Dr. Barry Laverty has finished medical school and searching for a location to hang out his shingle, answers an advertisement and heads to a small village in Ulster called Ballybucklebo. There Dr. Laverty is confronted with the town doctor who is looking for an assistant. Dr. O'Reilly is a larger than life character who proceeds to teach the younger man the nuances of treating the village residents.
The amusing tales highlight the gentleness of the area - reverberating with the simple setting and the lack of the urban rush of most of our everyday lives. The characters and situations make you smile and often laugh - just a wonderful summer read. Highly recommended.

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