
To Darkness and to Death by Julia Spencer-Fleming


Subject: family estates, conservation
Setting: Millers Kill, NY
Main Characters: Clare Ferguson, Russ Van Alstyne, Sean Reed
Series: yes, #4
Dates Read: May 8 - May 10
Number of pages: 311
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: yes, audio stockpile
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: Speech Class

Clare Ferguson, Episcopal priest, ex-army copter pilot, is called in to help with a search and rescue when Millie van der Hoeven is reported missing by her brother, a recluse at Haudenosaunee, the van der Hoeven estate. Millie is expected at the big event that evening to sign over the van der Hoeven estate for preservation. The impact to the environment is highly beneficial but the effect on local logging will effect the employment of many in Millers Kill.

The reader is supplied with all the information - what happened and where is Millie, the specifics of an assault and exactly who's to blame. But certain details are left for Clare and Russ to unravel along with the frustration related to their relationship.

Definitely a good addition to the series.

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