
Traitor in the Tunnel by Y.S. Lee


Genre: Young Adult Historical Fiction
Setting: London, England Buckingham Palace
Main Characters: Mary Quinn, James Easton, Queen Victoria, Prince Edward,Lady Dalrymple, Amy Tramer, Octavius Jones
Series: yes, #3 The Agency series
Dates Read:  April 7 - April 11
Number of pages: 380
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?:  yes, Netgalley Stockpile
Category for 12 in 12 challenge:  English Lit

Mary Quinn, in the third Agency mystery by Y.S.Lee, has grown and matured to the point where she is set in as a domestic at Buckingham Palace to find a petty thief. What she finds because of her position, is romance and friendship from an unexpected source.  Her abilities to uncover items that others wouldn't have found, give her an advantage which definitely is essential for the climax in the book.

The series is fun and engaging.  The characters, especially in this book,  are extremely entertaining and heartrending all at the same time.  What will happen in the future, we will have to wait to see but at least we know that the Agency will be there to back Mary if that's what she wants.

Love the series, want more!

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