
The Atlantis Code by Charles Brokaw

Genre: Mystery Thriller
Subject: lost civilizations, Roman Catholic church control
Setting: Russia, Africa, Spain
Main Characters: Thomas Lourdes, Leslie, Natashya, Cardinal Murani
Series: #1 Thomas Lourdes
Dates Read: April 14 - April 24
Number of pages: 312
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: yes, Net Galley stockpile
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: Foreign Languages

Indiana Jones meet Da Vinci Code - well, not quite.

This is a intriguing story about the possible finding of the lost city of Atlantis and those that are fighting each other to get there first.

The clues to the actual location are apparently distributed through out the world with symbols that are from a forgotten language - enter Thomas Lourdes, a Harvard linguist professor who gets caught in the middle to decipher the code.

However, the characters are a bit stereotypical - Lourdes is brilliant and supposedly the only person who can solve the riddle, Leslie is the overly ambitious TV reporter, and Natashya is a female Rambo. The bad guys are so plain and ordinary you know from the start exactly how they will end.

However, even though the characters left room for improvement, the action of the book was extremely entertaining and has the reader rooting for Lourdes and his band of misfits. It was fun.

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