
Chili Con Corpses by J. B. Stanley

Genre: Cozy Mystery
Subject: inheritances,
Sertting: Quincy Gap, VA
Main Characters: James Henry, Parker Willis, Kinsley
Willis, Murphy Alistiar, Lucy Hanover, Colin Crabtree,
Camilla Fields, Jackson Henry
Series: yes, #3 Supper Club Mysteries
Dates Read: March 26 - March 27
Number of pages: 304, with recipes
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: Nook Stockpile
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: home ec, ClassSchedule

James Henry, the main librarian in Quincy Gap, VA has
been dating Lucy Hanover but their relationship has met
a stumbling block and they breakup. Enter - town reporter
Murphy Alistair, who has the hots for James. Murphy joins
the Supper Club when the start a new food adventure at the
Fix 'n Freeze with head chef Milla Fields. We also meet
Murphy's college roommate Parker Willis and her twin sister,
As usually the Supper Club members support each other with
more than their diets, so when Lindy needs extra chaperones
for her students field trip to Luray caverns, all the Fix 'n freeze
gang are recruited. Disaster hits when Parker Willis is found
dead in the caves during the field trip.

This story was a little disjointed for me and left me with more
questions than answers.
I really enjoyed the previous two installments of this series,
but this was a little flat for me. Do you think it's because
I don't like Mexican food?

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