
Books Can Be Deceiving by Jenn McKinlay

Genre: Cozy Mystery
Subject: libraries, plagarism, impersonation
Sertting: Briar Creek, CT
Main Characters: Lindsey Norris, Beth Stanley, MsCole, Mike Sullivan, Rick Eckman
Series: yes, #1 Library Lover's Mysteries
Dates Read: February 16 - February 18
Number of pages: 269
Off the Shelf (pre-2012)? Source?: yes, my bookshelves
Category for 12 in 12 challenge: Study hall, Home Ec

Being someone who visits her local library so frequently
that they know my name, this book hit home for me
almost immediately. The characters are very true-to-life.
They're not all likeable and they're not all funny or smart,
but mostly they're heartwarming and friendly.

The story also seemed on the most part realistic. We all
would fear something bad happening in our personal
environment and then being erroneously blamed for it
simply because we would be the most likely culprit. I
would hope if that happened to me, I would have a
friend like Lindsey Norris who, when her friend Beth
appears to be the murderer, sets out to find the real killer
to clear her friend's name.

The backdrop of the library also makes this story warm
and cozy. How many of us head home to a quiet evening
and a good book when we're stressed. That's exactly how
the characters in the Briar Creek behave. The crafternoon
club brings the comfort of a good book, a ladies group,
and fun crafts together at the library so that the setting is
not just a place for books but also friendships.

I really liked this book and will have to keep an eye out for
the next one.

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