
The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America's Childhood by Jean Leavy

Read: August 23 - August 25
Format: Overdrive equivalent of 553 pages
Source: Public Library
Subject: Mickey Mantle Bio
Category: Something Borrowed from the library
Challenges: 11 in 11, 75 Book, TIOLI, SYLL
Stars: ★★

This is a biography of New York Yankee Mickey Mantle. I'm not exactly sure how to review it so I will just tell you my feelings. I am an avid baseball fan - mostly the Baltimore Orioles therefore, you do hear about the dreaded Yankees. So I really expected to hear more about baseball, but what I read was basically about injures and inappropriate behavior by Mantle and his teammates. He couldn't seem gather his excellence from the field and continue it in his private life.

The first few chapters were interesting, but then it just seemed to be the same over and over - play great, injury, bad behavior, repeat. I guess hearing the life of another pro player who just died there was a great contrast - maybe Mantle was a great player who was denied his full potential by an early injury, but the injury wasn't what stopped him from being a great man.

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