
Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen

Read: June 20 - June 26
Format: Audiobook 7 CDs equivalent 304 pages
Source: Nook - B&N
Subject: infidelity, spiritual visitations, parental disapproval
Category: Love and Marriage: a lifetime commitment
Challenges: 11 in 11, 75 Book, TIOLI, AUDIO, SYLL
Stars: ★★★

Josey is 27 years old with a severe lack of self-esteem who lives with her mother. She doesn't have a job other than taking care of her mother, whom she thinks disapproves and dislikes her. To compensate for those feelings, Josey hordes a cache of candy and other goodies that she hides in a special compartment at the back of her closet. One day she returns from an errand for her mother and finds her friend Della Lee hiding in her closet. Della Lee strives to get Josey to expand her horizons and make new friends. After meeting Chloe while doing an errand for Della Lee, Josey starts to emerge from her shell and her personality blossoms as well as her relationships with other people.

The story which follows is unexpected and unusual.

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