
The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny

Read: Apr 7 - Apr 11
Format: AUDIO, 11 CDs and 372 pages
Source: Loan from Tutu, Public Library
Setting: Three Pines, Quebec and Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia
Category: Surprise - Books I find and want to read /group reads
Challenges: 101020, 75 Book, SYLL, Audio, TIOLI,
Stars: 3½

A body is found in the bistro in Three Pines and Inspector Armand Gamache is recruited to investigate. Difficulties arise when no one seems to know who he is or where he came from. But the reader knows and watches as the story unravels telling of a reclusive man who prized treasures of unknown value and who was victimized in more than one way.

The characters that Louise Penny has brought to life in all the previous installments of this series are front and center in this book. However, the characterizations are deepened and broadened until at some point we're not sure if they're the same person or have been transfigured by events past and present.

This is a magnificent story of love and friendship, greed and treachery, and final deliverance.

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